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EP011: Michelle Sutherland

500 Miles to a life of Joy

July 6, 2019

Bondi Based Scozzie (Scottish Aussie) frother Michelle Sutherland is a ball of energy and one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met.

She's not only a successful entrepreneur but a successful Lifepreneur meaning she grabs every opportunity, sees the lights through the cracks and sees future solutions to inspire the world.

Grounded in her humble upbringing, Michelle knows the power of manifesting reality and we dive in on how things that may seem out of reach to most have been accessible through persistence and a belief that it's all turning out how it should.

Michelle is also taking on Tinder and working out ways to support entrepreneurship in Nepal.

Strap yourself in for a froth overload with Michelle Sutherland.

Contact Michelle

Insta @mish_mish85

